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Livres de Laurent Gbagbo

Books written by Laurent Gbagbo


Soundjata : le lion du Manding. Abidjan, CEDA, 1979

This theater play, inspired by the epic of Sundjata, which tells the story of Sundjata Keita, the founder of the Mali empire, was written while Laurent Gbagbo was imprisoned in Séguéla in 1971 due to his trade union activities. Soundjata, the Lion of Manding, recounts the fabulous destiny of this paralytic who, despite his physical weakness, ended up founding one of the largest African empires in the  the thirteenth century, after having accomplished extraordinary feats.


Réflexions sur la Conférence de Brazzaville 

Éditions CLE, 1978 

In January 1944, Free French politicians and high-ranking colonial officials from the French African colonies met in Brazzaville in the modern-day Republic of Congo. Laurent Gbagbo debunks the well-established myth that this conference was the beginning of African independence from colonialism and shows, through archival evidence, how instead it reinforced the colonies’ dependence vis-à-vis France.  

Côte-d'Ivoire: Économie et société à la veille de l'indépendance (1940-1960), Harmattan, 1982

Gbagbo decided to begin his history of Côte d’Ivoire in his university thesis, Côte d’Ivoire, economies et société à la veille de l’Independance, in 1940 instead of after the Second World War, because the Vichy regime had repercussions in the colonies, revealing the true face of colonization. This caused a hegemonic break pushing the intelligentsia to take a step forward towards a form of independence, even if incomplete.


Côte d’Ivoire : Pour une alternative démocratique, Paris, Harmattan, 1983

Front Populaire Ivoirien, Préface de Laurent Gbagbo. Propositions pour gouverner la Côte-d'Ivoire. Paris, Harmattan, 1987


Côte d'ivoire: Agir pour les libertés  Harmattan  octobre 1991 

Le temps de l'espoir. Johannesburg Editions Continentales, 1995. Entretiens avec Honore De Sumo.


Sur les traces des Bété. Abidjan,  PUCI, 2002

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